
Please note that this is a non-moderated guestbook, so please behave. The band take no responsibility for any comments or views stated here, but will reserve the right to withold publication, or remove, or modify such materials, at our sole discretion and for any reason.


Number of entries: 553

  • PÃ¥l Finnestrand, - 01.03.2003, 15:05 CET
    Hei Jan Kenneth! Lenge sia sist. Har hørt igjennom plata og skal kjøpe den. Blir Oslo tur snart, dram kanskje?
  • junebuste, - 26.02.2003, 23:40 CET
    sjå på det,om eg ikkje vaste meg inn på siå dokkar:o) Ja,eg ska stemma på dokk!! Rock on!
  • Darkness, - 26.02.2003, 20:30 CET
    Come to Belgium!!!! PLEASE.... Greetz
  • God, - 15.02.2003, 18:02 CET
    Hau hau!
  • Cornelius, - 15.02.2003, 07:51 CET
    Jeg har sagt det før, men jeg må skrive det. Jævlig god konsert på samfundet i går...
  • Bjartiis, - 11.02.2003, 14:00 CET
    Greetings, my fellow Taurabuar! Wie geht's? D va bare ei stund si eg har vært innom og kikket, så eg syns eg måtte legge ved ein hilsen. De får ha lukka, lukka t på Bylarmen ihvertfall, og eg hb at hvertfall ein av dokk stille med Maiden stagewear;-) Med vennlig hilsen Judas Staale Bjartis.
  • Darkentries, - 05.02.2003, 14:59 CET
    it had not been easy to get your "Destination Zero" CD, but was worth of it. is one of the first link I put into my webpage.
    beatiful beautiful songs.
  • The mighty mighty easterbunny, - 29.01.2003, 17:41 CET
    I grunnen er det ironisk, Jan Kenneth at naar du flytter til Joerpis, saa flytter jeg utenlands, dette er en hilsen med en naknib fra pintens og veggtilveggteppets hjemland. Regner med at Trond legger ut datoene hvis dere skal over hit og spille. Spark rass paa bylarm, pojkar. Hilsen Oestapoesta.
  • Christian, - 22.01.2003, 08:47 CET
    Sorry, wrong E-Mail adress above. Everybody feel free to contact me.
  • Christian, - 22.01.2003, 08:45 CET
    I´ve just voted for Elusive in alCategories although I can`t understand a word *g*. Are There any Elusive Gigs in the second half of August in Norway? Me and my girlfriend are planning to spent our holidays in the Bergen/Stavanger etc. region.
  • Ravn, - 18.01.2003, 21:04 CET
    Hei på dere! Blir dere å se i Bergen i nær fremtid???
  • Tina and Ann, - 10.01.2003, 15:28 CET
    we 've got a problem.if u want us 2 vote;please let it be in englisch..we cant read in norwegian,u see...Anyway,hello belgium!!!!!allez,vooral vlaanderen dan.
  • berry, - 09.01.2003, 11:35 CET
    Hi, i have just voted for SAMA. Although I didn't understand a single word of the norwegian language I filled out Elusive in every categorie. Last year I discovered 'Destination Zero' and Elusive. As being a goth fan for almost 20 years travelling through Europe from concert to concert I was amazed by the quality of 'gothability' of the album. I saw Elusive in Paradisio (Amsterdam) and a little time ago at The Event in Geel Belgium. I missed the gig at Mera Luna; I was lucky to talk to their singer in Geel. I was so impressed of their live performance. I'm looking forward for new material of the band. Destination Zero tastes for more. I hope to see and to met Elusive back in 2003. gothic greetings
  • Gothboy, - 02.01.2003, 09:53 CET
    The voting for SAMA (Scandinavian Alternative Music Awards) has opened. Take the opportunity to vote for Elusive in ALL categories, best band, song, album, new band.
  • eliane, - 28.12.2002, 14:29 CET
    Hi Tommy,What can I say about this cd, only wonderfull.I met the guys from Tristania when they came from Brasil in January,Osten told me about your band. I know you are K. Olsson's brothers.I lke you band a lot, go ahead and bring us with more music.
  • Gogo, - 11.12.2002, 21:10 CET
    Time to dominate Sweden soon ? Belsepub or Pandemonium in Göteborg would fit nicely...
  • Danner, - 11.12.2002, 09:59 CET
    Hi ,
    great music - I like it very much (remembers me to the early Sisters - compliment !)
    greetz from Heidelberg - DD
  • Marcos, - 08.12.2002, 23:12 CET
    I love your debut cd! You guys have easily picked up where band´s like Rosetta Stone, Love Like Blood, Screams for Tina, The Wake, & Nosferatu have left off. Gothic rock for the millenium! Can´t wait to hear more! And the future look´s bright.....errr...bleak.
  • SkyCrow, - 06.12.2002, 02:11 CET
    Magic music. Drums are amazing (from the drummer's point of view :) ). Waiting for the next masterpieces. Keep going the same way. Good luck.
    Truly yours, Dmitri "SkyCrow" Medvedev ("Infinity Verge" drummer)
  • Manica, - 28.11.2002, 15:23 CET
    I would like to thank you,guys for your music,which keeps me going every time I`m down:)
    Well,I guess I should also mention that I`m an old ToT and Tristania fan,so kisses for Morten and Tommy!
    Jan,your voice is amazing!
    You guys rock the world:)))))
    I love you:)
    yours truly,Manica from cold Russia:)

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