
Please note that this is a non-moderated guestbook, so please behave. The band take no responsibility for any comments or views stated here, but will reserve the right to withold publication, or remove, or modify such materials, at our sole discretion and for any reason.


Number of entries: 553

  • Ixtab Mictlancihuatl(from Mexico), - 23.09.2008, 17:37 CET
    Hi, Great music, and great new album, Thanks guys sound awesome. Come to Mexico please!!!!
  • Dan (From Lebanon), - 11.09.2008, 12:48 CET
    I recently discovered Elusive with their album "Great Silence"... I just can't stop listening to your music!
    At home, at Work, in my car!... Guys you are unmatchable! Keep up the good work!...
  • VLAKS, - 16.04.2008, 16:44 CET
    You guys are fantastic, keap up the the excellent work!
    PLEASE come back to Athens we nead you!
  • vero, - 15.04.2008, 01:04 CET
    you guys are just the best, and i will be just bit more best, if i could give to my ex, a opportunity of been a friend at least, but yea, i dont know why i dont do it!!!, but i will :)
  • Annou-ki, - 03.04.2008, 09:23 CET
    Unfortunately, I have only been to one of your concerts, but that was enough....
    Please, come back to Athens...we miss you so so much!!!!!
  • Bloodflower - 01.04.2008, 13:03 CET
    Just wanted to say that you guys rock! I love your music, and I really think that what you guys are making, is what the music scene has been missing for a long time. Keep up the great work, and hope to see you here in Serbia, on a concert some day!
  • mohit, - 23.03.2008, 06:42 CET
    i absolutely love your music, guys. it has just the right blend of everything i look for in a band. unfortunately i cannot find any of the albums here in india, and it's too expensive for me to mail order. but thanks nevertheless for the great music, and keep it coming! take care!
  • A FAN, - 20.03.2008, 23:55 CET
    I love your band!
  • Beatrice, - 27.02.2008, 15:22 CET
    Hi, everyone! I'd like to hear from Goths and other...well, extraordinary persons who adore Gothic Rock like I do. Now that this music genre seems to have lost its once leading position, Elusive plays the greatest part in its resurrection. Guys, you're really the best! So thank you for all you're doing... Your loving fangirl from Russia. :)
  • maga aba , - 29.01.2008, 12:58 CET
    i love vthis site please keep on the good work.
  • VonFara, - 20.01.2008, 16:04 CET
    This is a great web site !!! Keep up the good work.
    Hugs ulla
  • Isilruë, - 09.01.2008, 21:50 CET
    Hi Elusive! I'm an Spanish boy that loves your music. A lot of people and me wants buy your Cds and meet you, because here you can be a famous band if you come to play again. I'm from Barcelona and I hope that, if you want, write me to my hotmail account. Thanks Elusive!
  • Márcio Mäzela, - 08.01.2008, 16:51 CET
    Hail, Elusive, you sound awesome! Greetings from Brazil! I play goth rock too, in Plastique Noir... I want to show you our sound and give a big fuck off to ebm and electronic bullshit in the name of true goth rock, with fiery guitars!! See ya!
  • BeyondtheSilence - 27.12.2007, 16:05 CET
    Happy new year and Elusive needs a forum here!
  • Spiderle, - 21.10.2007, 14:29 CET
    Your music is very good ! Respect
  • Artiom, - 13.10.2007, 18:01 CET
    Congrulations,Jan,Tommy & Kristian,the music of Elusive is really awesome,I love all the albums,specially The Great Silence;but I only wish that Elusive to be forever as now,an underground no commercial band (not as Sirenia and Nine Destinies!!),don't want to lose another great band.Hehe,there're a lot of fans in Spain,come here soon,
    My best wishes to us!!
  • danï, - 24.09.2007, 16:19 CET
    I believe that to fans of Spain we would like a tour of presentation of this new and great album
    creo que a los fans de españa nos gustaría una gira de presentación de este nuevo y gran álbum
  • Roos - 31.08.2007, 22:17 CET
    Online now, a review with pictures of Summer Darkness day 1 and 2 with:
    Front 242, Implant, Diskonnekted, Dragonfly, Frank the Baptist, Delain, Emily Autumn, Lacrimas Profundere, Assemblage 23, A New Dawn, Elusive, Chamber, V2A, DJ X-X-X and his Cybergirlzzz, Covenant
  • Monica, - 29.08.2007, 01:12 CET
    Hi Elsusive,
    Really enjoyed your show at Summer Darkness. Message also for the fans: pictures on my website and on summerdarkness dot nl. And a review can be read in the webzine Reflections Of Darkness dot com. Cheers!
  • Paul (pictures), - 15.08.2007, 21:24 CET
    Hi Elusive,
    Your gig at Summer Darkness was f*cking excellent! The setlist was a nice combination of old and new songs and I always love your cool performance and looks on stage. I made some pictures that you can see in the link above. Thanks for coming to Holland again and I hope to see you back soon!

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