
Please note that this is a non-moderated guestbook, so please behave. The band take no responsibility for any comments or views stated here, but will reserve the right to withold publication, or remove, or modify such materials, at our sole discretion and for any reason.


Number of entries: 553

  • Evert, - 13.08.2007, 10:17 CET
    Thanks for the greath show in Utrecht and for hanging around to support Frank the Babtist, who were also very cool. Hope to see you again in Holland.
  • Preacherman_DF, Preacherman_DF@HOTMAIL.COM - 25.07.2007, 23:29 CET
    Greetings from Athens guys...Iam looking forward to the next gig in DADA.
    Keep The Flame Alive Brothers!
  • sonofnothing, - 16.07.2007, 17:53 CET
    I locked my door, mixed a drink and enjoy the funeral!!! Congratulations from Athens!
  • Joachim, - 01.07.2007, 21:55 CET
    Sjef med musikkvideo! Bra sang, bra video, men Tommy; eg savna jo litt strobe & tørris.....
    Vente nå i spennig på å få siste album i posten!
    mvh Joachim "the flash" Lyse :-)
  • Linda - 04.06.2007, 10:44 CET
    It's very good news Elusive is going to preform at Summer Darkness :D
    Can't wait!
  • mike, - 29.05.2007, 01:54 CET
    Cool band best of rock.
  • Feindesland, - 28.05.2007, 10:55 CET
    Hello Elusive,
    our gratulation to your new single "Dream On Sister". We write a nice review about it. We hope you will enjoy it!
    With best wishes and greetings from all writers of the
  • anna, - 22.05.2007, 12:53 CET
    hi!!!!! you were great in athens-underwold!!!
  • ståle aka steele;), - 15.05.2007, 20:06 CET
    Ja gutter i dag kom den nye cd'n og cd singelen i posten.. så nå skal det bli en pils å høre på:) Ps! dæ heite: dæ veit åz ikkje;) Tållåst
  • Slonikk, - 12.05.2007, 18:47 CET
    Do you plan concerts in Russia or somewhere near, for example in Finland? I like your music but have not enough time (or money) to come to Norway.
  • Tom Haldorsen - 05.05.2007, 20:31 CET
    Må bare si at dette erveldig bra. Som barka Sisters fan så er dere definitivt i riktig retning. Den eneste faresignalet jeg ser er at dere er med The Mission på turne. Ikke gå den veien ... den er med for pop. Forsett på "Destinatgion Zero" veien ...
  • Kurt, - 27.04.2007, 23:39 CET
    Hørte dere for 2 år siden, etter det har jeg vært solgt. Kan dere gi meg gode råd, med tanke på å få tak i alle originale utgivelsene deres.
    Har Great Silence og Destination Zero:) TAKK for at dere gjør livet mitt bedre, med musikken deres:)))))
  • The Hoboe, - 18.04.2007, 22:23 CET
    I love your music guys and cant wait for the new album - I know you will come thru once again! Looking forward to taste Lervig summer brew hehe :)
    Jeg har kommet gjennom nåløyet, men jeg har mistet tråden......
  • wayne and hazel, - 13.04.2007, 15:07 CET
    hello boys! hows things? looking good what with a new album and that. saw you on the liepzig listings and thought it really was about time time we got off our fat british asses and said hello. We are eagerly awaiting the mission tour in may and then the nephlim in london and then hopefully we will try and get to liepzig to see you guys! looking forward to hearing your new stuff. take care for now love n hugs from wales xxxx p.s thanks for the hello via graham x
  • Markus Winter - 28.03.2007, 10:34 CET
    Found your music by accident... loved it at first listen. Keep going! Greetz from Germany
  • lunacia - 20.03.2007, 14:36 CET
    So, when will you be back in Oslo? I hope to see you again in not too long!
  • Holly Roller, - 15.03.2007, 07:33 CET
    Hi, the first time I saw you on stage and hear your great music as support The Mission last year at Matrix Bochum! It was a exelent show. And I like your songs very much! It sounds great... Now I m waiting for the new Album!
    See you....Greetings from germany
  • mol - 09.03.2007, 08:22 CET
    ride - great song! and I enjoyed the whole album 'the great silence'
    now, I'm waiting for the 11th of may ;-) unfortunately I cannot join the WGT in leipzig
    greets from koblenz, germany
  • Iselin (Norway), - 25.02.2007, 20:47 CET
    Dåkk e et kjempe band, har album å masse minner fra sangane dåkkårs, stå på vidare. Så må de kje ble for lenge te dåkkår slår te me ein konsert i Norge ijenn
    Knib. ;)
  • Stranger, - 17.02.2007, 12:41 CET
    I've seen you playing live in The Netherlands as support for The Mission UK.
    I liked it a lot, but only now i have ordered your cd's.
    Can't wait to hear your music again.

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