  • Dieter, - May 10 2002
    Love your album.
    Sad though that probably you guess won't be playing in Belgium in the near future... But we'll never give up hope *smiles*.
    Blessed Be
  • Daniel, - May 6 2002
    I saw u at The black Cat, and bought your CD (gotta it signed too ..yeeiippee)
    you have already got yourself a danish fan...and I have convinced 2 friends to join me on the elusive side ;)
    You were really really good at the venue, and your CD is really your voice (I am a guy, and not gay...but I know when a man have a beautiful voince and look sexy ;) )
    thanks for a good gig...come again please
  • Sara Bernardo, - Apr. 29 2002
    I first heard "Asylum" on Sex.Electronics.Goth..and I have to say the band is quite talented. A great mixture of old school gothic rock and newer electronics. Keep it up!
  • Sanny - Apr. 27 2002
    Saw you guys at Gotham III. You were great, really good!!!
  • Bjartis, - Apr. 25 2002
    Javel guttar. Bare ein liden ting, si det såg ud t å virka sist: I want my Fall Of Heaven og Forgotten!! Hehe, rock on og haaaiiiill! Viva MIL!
  • Bonez, - Apr. 15 2002
    Hailz! Great drive-like gothic-rock! You rules! Last Night , System breakdown and The Circle Never Ends are fave. Keep it going!
  • Black Thyra, - Apr. 12 2002
    Hello Sebastian! Nice to see you here! :-)) Thanx and rock on!
  • Gamle Nobings - Apr. 10 2002
    Fekk isje sitt dokk heima på Tau i påsjen, men har goe minner frå ein konsert på Checkpoint frå någen år tebars.T min store begeistring har eg sitt at Barkveen takke Merson i omslajet på cden, d e svert prisverdigt, d e og mikken på pladå dåkkar. Litt breiare beinføring på dokk, å dåkk hadde vore d bandet. Avslutter med et sitat fra et festlig lag på en UDO konsert på Folken (hvor var Barkved?): "Keina slaphen zum Illbruck!!"
  • Sebastian Dold, - Apr. 10 2002
    Just wanted to say, that Elusive really rocks! I bought it without knowing one song..and after some listening sessions....I LOVE it!
    I hope, they produce such a CD once more!
    Greetings to all Goth-X fans!!
  • Figure - Apr. 2 2002
    Hey! I just want to say that Circle never ends, Shadow dance and Suzanna are simply the best tracks I've heard for a long time!! The other ones are great, too. Please, make another album as soon as possible, I can't wait!
  • thanos, - Mar. 21 2002
    Hello guys!Your album is really great.I bought it 2 months ago and i still can't get enough of it. The vocals are awesome and the guitars really powerfull and melodic as well (of course i knew Tommy's work from Theatre of Tragedy).I wish you all the best!
    Cheers from Athens,Greece!
  • Anders M., - Mar. 19 2002
    Hello. You guys make great music, and Jan got the most powerful vocals I've ever heard! Rock on...
  • harry fayt, - Mar. 15 2002
    hello, I receive your cd tomorow, it's absolutly great !!! I hoep to see you on stage soon.
    don't hésitate to visit also my Zine:
    c ya and all the best !!!
  • Anne Vibeke Barkved, - Mar. 12 2002
    Heia bror..:)
    Eg prøvde å skriva ein for lenge si, men den kom jo isje prøve igjen!!Eg håbe eg får te å komma på konserten på Tau...for det burde eg det e den skiferien då!!Me snakkes Jan Kenneth... Kos fra søss...
  • Wolf636etta, - Mar. 6 2002
    Hail. Just heard one of your songs on P3 today...It was awesome. I didn't know there was a goth band like this in Norway. Great job! Long live Goth.
  • Lennart Olsson - Mar. 4 2002
    Good luck
  • PAF, - Mar. 4 2002
    Hi there! Your album is just awesome. It's too rare with great gothrock nowadays. Good luck and best regards!
  • Bolla Nada Bass, - Mar. 1 2002
    So you are paying attention after all Bjartis. Watch out, The smiths are comming to get you! MoahahahaHAHAHA!!
    Dont you walk on the grass!!
  • deborah, - Mar. 1 2002
    Being a newer listener to elusive, i'm eager to hear more from this project. I'll be looking out for the gothic compilation though...hey zach!... if you're out there order it!!!!
  • Bjartis (ja Bjartis!), - Feb. 27 2002
    Hey, webmaster! Someone stole my nick and left a fake message!! Goddamnit! If you is not man enough to sign here chickenshit muthafucka, then don't abuse my goddamn name!! Buy the way, Elusive on the radio was a pleasant surprise in the teacher's lounge during a cup of reallystrong coffee.. :-) What's next, a video on the legendary NRK2-show "Jazz & Heavy"? In the words of Tommy Vance; ROCK ON!!
  • Bjartis, - Feb. 27 2002
    Her såd eg på rektors kontor og delte ein kopp utvanna kaffe men me høyrde på petre. Der kjem plutseleg Elusive dundrandes for full musikk midt i beste sende tid!! Eg gjer meg ende øve.
  • deborah, - Feb. 26 2002
    Wie geht's?
  • Sarah, - Feb. 23 2002
    Hello! Congrats on great album! I'm very impressed by your sound and the climate that is so rare on modern goth albums!!!! Keep on creating such great music and huge kiss from your Polish fan!!! :-**
  • Alexander, - Feb. 23 2002
    Holy shit! This songs ROCKS THE WORLD !!! Keep up the good work guys :)
  • S.Boy, - Feb. 20 2002
    Fantastisk plate gutter...Gleder meg til å se dere live på john dee.. syntes forøverig dere burte tatt med den demoen jeg fikk takk i for noen år siden under "discography".. den rocker jo den :-)
    Håper konserten blir like bra som sist jeg så dere ( på mars i oslo som oppvarming for APB :=)...)
    ok. lykke til videre!
  • bmlilith, - Feb. 20 2002
    So hello to all the fans of Elusive. But now pull the finger and vote for Elusive at !!!!
    Don't tell me, you like them without voting!
  • Amiriel, - Feb. 15 2002
    Hi everybody, it happens not very often in my live that there is an album which is as fascinating to me as an album of "the kings of goth"- Fields of the Nephilim, but you guys did it! Congratulations
  • jeps, - Feb. 14 2002
    Blitz or sunlight flashing in your face at your information page...not nice...
  • Scooter - Feb. 13 2002
    Hello comrades! On behalf of my enormous success lately, I just want to assure you that I no longer have a problem with you guys copying me by playing "Rebel Yell". All the best and good luck! Move! Your! Ass!!!
  • Andreas, - Feb. 11 2002
    Eg må bare sei at eg e mektigt imponerte av cdèn dåkkars!!! keep up the good work!!
  • Scar, - Feb. 8 2002
    Just wanna say the concert at Checkpoint Charlie was briliant!! Lonely sattelite and Shadow Dance ROCKS!!!!!!See Ya
  • Hein, - Feb. 7 2002
  • Milfrid - Feb. 5 2002
    Hei bjarte. Kjekt å sjå ein HCK fan her og. synd me tristania siå. velvel, me kan jo henga ud her og.
    Join the velvet cape org!!!

  • Bjartis, - Feb. 4 2002
    Javel guttar! Kor mye ligge der i pottern for meg dersom eg går inn på og opphøye dokk t arvtagerane t "The Great Elders"? Jaja, jedna eg gjør d grattis og;) Viva Elusive, viva MIL, haiiilll!!
  • Chris, - Feb. 3 2002
    hei. og takk for sist. (begynner å bli en stund siden;). gratulerer med et steinbra album. keep up the good work! cheers from chris & malice in wonderland :)
  • AJ, - Jan. 7 2002
    Hi there!
    Nice looking and informative site you got here :-)
    Read the ELUSIVE interview on "Beat the Blizzard". Just follow the URL and click on "Interviews"...
  • Morten Jordal, - Jan. 28 2002
    God kveld! Jeg må virkelig si at jeg liker musikken deres! Veldig fengende låter, med kul vokal og fete gitarriff! Stå på! Jeg ser fram til å se dere på John Dee 23. Februar.
  • Paul Fruyt van Hertog, - Jan. 18 2002
    Hoi Elusive,
    I have Destination Zero now for about two weeks and it is so f***ing good that all this time it is locked in my CD player; I simply can't make myself press the eject button anymore. I'm on a dream with you...
    Guess what happens next: you decide to pay Holland a visit and play live at Gotham III, just 20 km from my home. Well, you surely make life extremely easy for this overseas fan!
    See you in A'dam,
    Haarlem - The Netherlands
  • Kong Kull - Jan. 18 2002
    Well, well, big changes in line-up! Kizzy to Elusive, the big question now is what will happen to R'N'G... This should be exciting! Anyway, best of luck Kizzy, and by the way; that Per in your former band, is he still awailable? Many girls have asked me recently about that.
  • who fuckin cares? - Jan. 17 2002
    ditta e noge av det besta frå di kantane.. men dokkar e, ka ska eg sei, falske.. ikkje bruka så mye playback på konsertane. og dokker må nesten hiva ner folk når di hoppe opp på scenen..
  • jason, - Jan. 11 2002
    Heard a song on a Shoutcast server and I had to track you guys down. Great stuff, and I look forward to hearing the album. New York City is listening.
  • Helena, utysket fra nord :), - Jan. 8 2002
    Halla Jan, din stælk! For å være -helt- ærlig, så syns jeg nesten noen av demo- verjonene var best... (Shame on me?) Og er det ikke ei låt som har skifta navn? Uansett, det var et godt kjøp ;)
  • Eirik, - Dec. 29 2001
    Jan og Tommy + resten ....
    Stå på !!!!! for dette var stein bra.
  • Unknown - Dec. 29 2001
    Dette e vel någe av det besta eg har høyrt frå desse karane
  • Arne Marcussen, - Dec. 28 2001
    Hi you's gyus!
    was seaerching arund for vodka on tha nett, and then I founds yours page. and this is betters than vodka! cheers you's gyus:)
  • OP, - Dec. 21 2001
    Ain`t fun !??!
  • bmlilith, - Dec. 18 2001
    Hehe, Trond! Don't think of money! Think of fun. I'm sure, if the guys could pay you, they would do it. maybe you don't like whiskey?????? *lol*
  • bmlilith, - Dec. 18 2001
    Hi Jan and all the other guys, I don't know yet. :-)
    Heard your music and was really blown away. I didn't expect this kinda music. But don't be afraid, I like it. Think, I should get this cd as fast as I can. Hehe, there will be x-mas soem days later.... ;-) Shall I leave my adress??????
    Kyss og klemmer fra tyskland.
  • Odd Arne, - Dec. 15 2001
    Hei Tommy, Janne er musikk læraren min og det er eg som har spurt om å få autografen din, eg ville bare sei det at det er eit fantastisk godt album dokker har fått til, lykke til videre på ferden
    PS: håper at dokker lager nytt album snart!!!
  • Ståle, - Dec. 12 2001
    Karriii Jan!
    Døkk må vel få skryt for både hjemmeside og cd. Venter i "spenning" til den 23. Februar. sees vel i helgas mørke
  • An-Magritt De Cluette, - Dec. 12 2001
    I just have to say that THIS BAND ROCKS!!!!!!!A fantastic line up of band members!It was destined to KICK ASS!!!!!!!
  • Arild - Dec. 4 2001
    Goe plada. Dåkke e et bra band
  • Zachary, - Dec. 4 2001
    Just received my copy of "destination zero" here in the states. On my first listen I knew already that this disc would be in my stereo for quite awhile. Thanks for the great music. With the impressive background of all the members I knew I wouldn't be dissapointed.
  • Olve, - Nov. 18 2001
    Gratla guttar! Fin hjemmasida, isje någe å sjemmst øve her.
  • BOMBJOUR (, - Nov. 14 2001
    Hi Tommy
    It's Stephane from penny dreadful webzine - for music having a soul! Just reviewed the cd you sent me :)
    Cheers! Keep up the good work! I'm gathering questions for an email interview!
  • Franke, - Nov. 11 2001
    Yo hamlet!
    Ska sei! Grattla me pladå. Det va ikkje ein dag for tildigt ;-) så me seie i Vigå. Kjøpte ann i Finnland ( home of the Moomins) der hu sto unna "heavy"...og ikkje "goth". Hmm, somethings not right. Had to knock the geezer on the head. Big mess! Vegard started grying. Then we took some vodkas and listened to the album. It rocks! Ok måtte bare gratulere. TOT er selvfølgelig mye kulere. Vi er sååå mye hippere, ihvertfall i (Øst)- Germanien. øy, hvor fikk du de store solbrillene fra? Hein har lyst på et par
  • seraphictine, - Nov. 7 2001
    Hello :)
    Nice page, pretty good design :) I wonder what you sound like, with band members have a background like Theatre of Tragedy and Tristania, it has to be good :)
    Greetings, seraphictine
  • Rolv Espevold, - Nov. 6 2001
    Bra, gutterrr! Strålende plate, men som gammel gamperocker er det en ting jeg stusser på; hvor er tittelkuttet? Kan det lages plater uten å ha et tittelkutt? Dette kan man bli forvirret av! Og når det gjelder resirkuleringen av Skuggjevalsen, hvor er så Sister Moonchild? Gamle hits er alltid eldst! I want my Sister Moonchild!!
  • Véro, - Nov. 5 2001
    You are just great guys.... wonderful album... All the best for the future.
  • Vigdis og Per - Nov. 4 2001
    Hei Jan - glad to meet you ! see you home at christmast ? Look forward to that. Mum and dad
  • John og Jarand, - Nov. 4 2001
    Hei Onkel...
    Kule CD du har lagt. I mårå reise me te Lanzarote. Snakkes....
    Klem fra John og Jarand
  • Al - Nov. 2 2001
    Waiting to listen to you new album and maybe you are to ours! Toddz brother here. New song out on in 2 days! Zombies!
    You just have to love it!
  • Linette Alsvik, - Oct. 27 2001
    Ville bare sei at Destination Zero e ei skikkeligt bra plata. Dokk fortjene masse skryt for den.... E ein sinnsykt bra stemme du har Jan, bare for å ha det sagt!! Lykke te videre..
  • Tor Arne, - Oct. 20 2001
    Javel, endeligt fått sidå opp. (det va på tiå!!). Klart eg ska kjøba platå!! Snakkes!
    Hail!!! Great Page !!!
    Beautiful layout & great design!!!!
    Come visit our web site. Secrets of the Moon Zine is a Black, Doom and Death Metal publication. Don't forget to sign our guestbook!!!
  • Rune Nordbø, - Oct. 19 2001
    Steinbra CD. Savna ett par sanger, men dei komme vel på neste album. Bra homepage og. Takk for at eg kom med på takke listå, det betyr møje for meg. Take care. Bye bye.
  • Rolf Christian, - Oct. 7 2001
    Tjo & Hei!
    Gratulerer med plateutgivelsen!
    Lenge etterlengtet plate endelig her - kjøpt'an i dag, akkurat hørt igjønå greiå.
    Keep up the good work!
  • Bølla Bjarte Bass, - Oct. 18 2001
    Ja, sjau her! Ein lyt verta imponert av det vakre arbeidet godeste webmeisteren heve gjort! Likeeins lyt ein verte imponert av orkesteret, som heve spela inn ei plate som etter sigande skal vere ofseleg god! Gratulerar, gutar! No gleiar me oss berre til å høyre ho, dersom ho nokon gong kjem til vår vene heimbygd då..:) Rock on, som dei brukar å seia!
  • Hanky Panky, - Oct. 18 2001
    Sjå her ja!! Fått plader?
  • Trond, - Oct. 11 2001
    As the webmaster I welcome you all to these brand new Elusive pages. If you have any opinions about them, good or bad, please direct them to me at
    That aside, I must say that Elusive is THE band to look out for. They're simply brilliant! (I was not paid to say that, hell, when I come to think of it, I don't get paid making these pages either! :-)
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