
Please note that this is a non-moderated guestbook, so please behave. The band take no responsibility for any comments or views stated here, but will reserve the right to withold publication, or remove, or modify such materials, at our sole discretion and for any reason.


Number of entries: 553

  • cruella, - 27.11.2005, 11:22 CET
    Love the new album <3
    Love the first one too.
    Bring yourselves to Finland soon, thank You!
  • Nacho, - 26.11.2005, 18:27 CET
    Very good new album. Better than the first one, very good too.
  • DJ Bjartiis, - 01.11.2005, 14:20 CET
    Javel, boyz! Hail hail for ein vellykka turne rekne eg med, mange nye fans erverva og god gang epleslang. Ryktene seie at der va mange så sto å ropte itte klassikere som Sister Moonchild og Forgotten, og rekne med at hvis disse ble spilt så løfta stemningå seg øve taket!!! Rock on!
  • Alejandro Teodoro, - 27.10.2005, 19:35 CET
    wow ! cool :) hip hip elusive hip hip elusive
  • lidia, - 26.10.2005, 04:46 CET
    Hey, I'm Priscila's sister from Mexico... maybe Kristian remebers her... I was just listening to our music, you guys should really come here for a gig... love your music... send the new record!!!!
  • John Wrenn, - 24.10.2005, 02:56 CET
    What a band. You should break into th UK scene, you have gone down REALLY well supporting The Mish (hope you enjoyed it apart from your misfortunes (sequencer knicked (BA£$*RDS !!!!! They are a MINORITY of people and are SCUM). KEEP UP THE GREAT SOUND you deserve MUCH SUCCESS.
  • Dr. Zoidberg - 23.10.2005, 13:40 CET
    Saw you in Madrid last friday, great show. I was right beside the two girls that failed to sing "the circle never ends"... Absolutly funny!!!!
  • Torsten, - 22.10.2005, 19:27 CET
    Hello Guys! We meetus after the concert in Hanau. Nice to meet and to talk with you. Hope to see you soon. Give Carl greetings from me and I hope you get "Morning Sun" from him to listen it. I think I get a new fan of your music - a friend of me loved your albums after listen by me. Have fun on your tour and greetings from Mannheim, T
  • Suzanne, - 19.10.2005, 16:31 CET
    Hello Guys. Thank you for signing the CD for me at the mission gig in Portsmouth on 13th September. I had never heard of either Elusive or the Mission, but I'm glad my friend pursuaded me to go. Take care, you're probably looking forward to getting home after this tour for a rest! Kristian, I loved your snakeskin boots, definately go for the Alligator ones you mentioned. Next time you tour Britain, I'll come and see you again. Fantastic music. xxx
  • Wizard Of Odd - 16.10.2005, 01:39 CET
    Saw you guys supporting The Mission, in Stourbridge, UK. Excellent show. Listening to the CD now, I like it alot. Look forward to seeing you again.
  • Enodia, - 13.10.2005, 16:48 CET
    Hiya guys. saw you at The Mission gig at the astoria and thought WOW, got to see them again, so just let me know when you are due to play the uk .....
  • Astrid, - 11.10.2005, 11:55 CET
    Hey, finally back from germany, it was a nice concert in Luebeck even if you had an hangover ;) Would like to hear more from you, gjerne også på norsk. Mange hilsner fra "Tvedestrandsfansen" from Luebeck!!!
  • nora, - 10.10.2005, 14:41 CET
    That´s for Kristian
    hey, my friend and me met you in berlin, the result was a 2-day-hangover and
    the worst headache i ever had. anyway, i'm sad didn't see you on stage.
    Maybe nextime. So enjoy the rest of your tour.
    take care
  • Carsten, - 10.10.2005, 12:08 CET
    Hy guys!thanxx for the nice gigs,talks and heavy drinks on tour,it was great.Jan:
    today I took copies from the fields fotos,just tell me where to send them.Kristian:hope you like the new depeche mode cd! tommy: john the revelator just hit the shower...sometimes..thanxx for all!
    kai melde dich mal wegen dem boa gig!!
  • Simone, - 09.10.2005, 15:37 CET
    Saw you yesterday at Matrix. BLISS!!!! I enjoyed it more than The Mission! Since Andrew E., I never ever heart such a brilliant voice! All the best for future gigs and Kristian: our photo is excellent!!!! Do you want a copy?
    Kai, melde Dich bei mir!!!!!!!!
    XOXOX The girl with the EAR-Protectors!!!!!!!!!
  • Thomas, - 09.10.2005, 13:30 CET
    Hi Christian, from Stavanger, Greeetings and thanx for the show in K17 Berlin.
    If u ever will come back to Berlin, remember our smalltalk on merc.area.
    fisgestang - Tom
  • StrandbuenDOTTcom - 05.10.2005, 20:22 CET
    Ka va blodtrykke te tommy når mpc'en "forsvant".?
  • lunacia - 03.10.2005, 22:27 CET
    Thank you SO VERY much for the t-shirt! I love it! :D I was really knackered after the bus ride back to Oslo this morning, but it was worth it! Hope to see you live again soon!
  • Claire Hodson, - 03.10.2005, 18:19 CET
    Hope you had a good time at Ara in Manchester. Good luck with the rest of the tour and come back and visit us sometime.
  • Frode "terje tyskland" Hindrum, - 01.10.2005, 10:51 CET
    Greeeetings and thanx for the hell of a concert you gave at Loppen my friends . sorry we could meet up with you yesterday at The Rock - my belly had gotten somebad ass infection and I had to shit and/or lie down all the time !! We have to make up for it next time we meet up !! Hugs from Frode + Lise

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