
Please note that this is a non-moderated guestbook, so please behave. The band take no responsibility for any comments or views stated here, but will reserve the right to withold publication, or remove, or modify such materials, at our sole discretion and for any reason.


Number of entries: 553

  • Alejandro, - 09.02.2007, 22:30 CET
    Better than The Mission, Sisters of Mercy or Heroes Del Silencio. Thanks from Barcelona, Spain.
  • yggiavas, - 29.01.2007, 12:09 CET
    thank you for the memories! greece loves you! could you plz send me the lyrics of circle never ends?
  • Darkness, - 04.01.2007, 19:40 CET
    i could see you in concert yet, but..i realy love your music, Elusive is great, kisses^^
  • Elysium, - 02.01.2007, 10:59 CET
    Greetings from Elysium, in Durban, South Africa. Great site, great songs!
  • connie, - 02.01.2007, 01:02 CET
    HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of you
  • christophe, - 23.12.2006, 22:56 CET
    hey there, I first saw you guys at Gothic Festival in belgium and since I have become a huge fan, I hope to see you peopel again real soon.
    ceep up the good work and mush luck with the 3e album :-D
  • Simon Johansson, - 10.12.2006, 20:55 CET
    I just have to say that you are the best band that ever has exist. You guys need to come tp Sweden and play.
  • LooLa, - 10.12.2006, 16:00 CET
    I completely adore you guys!!
    I loved you guys a few months ago in Belgium..
    I know your cd allready by heart now.
    Big Kiss
    from a HUGE fan
  • Hellen, - 29.11.2006, 15:37 CET
    Thank you for coming in Greece, you were awesome and we cant wait your come back!
  • søs, - 28.11.2006, 23:24 CET
    Hallo Elusive.. Jysla flotte konsert i Athen. Me hadde det heilt topp.. Bjynne visst å ble litt tradisjon dette her - så det bler vel kanskje ein konsert te neste år og... Athen va någe for seg sjøl, me et synganne publikum - di konne jo alt.... Knallbra.. Klem søs, Hilse fra Bjørn og Ingrid!
  • Isela, - 21.11.2006, 01:50 CET
    I´ve listened their new work and i have to say that you really did a great work guys..Congrtz and hope to see you soon in México(Tequila Land)
    Klem vennems,
  • Andeo, - 09.11.2006, 23:47 CET
    Nice site! I've enjoyed visiting it. Thanks for ur work.
  • nikos, - 06.11.2006, 20:29 CET
    come to greece again guys 2 times here is nothing we wait you
  • Panajotis, - 06.11.2006, 15:06 CET
    The concert in Athens on Saturday 4.11.06 was not simply good but amazing !!!! This was the 2nd time that Elusive played here and we hope to see them many more.
  • kristoffer Apall - 05.11.2006, 19:19 CET
    lykke til fra oss på tau :) :) :)
  • raZor, - 27.10.2006, 12:34 CET
    Hi guys, I hope everything's ok on the Elusive camp. Can't wait to see you performing for the second time in Athens. Eight days and counting...
  • Erich1917, - 14.10.2006, 18:45 CET
    Really good job guys, i really enjoy your music, im looking forward to come come at the live in athens!
  • GodLess, - 09.10.2006, 13:05 CET
    Good Job guys , you are fantastic , i
    really enjoy your music..
    Keep it like that!!!
  • Stefan Muthmann - 29.09.2006, 05:34 CET
    The music is just getting better and better - never tasted this feeling long time ago-did i ever ? yes -there were several formations-never lost the trust in bands like cure or even depeche mode but there is such a nice drive in your music-i loved the morendoes but you`ll carry on and do even better----sad is the tear that runs down your face---nice greetings from germany (kassel)-hope to see you(never did before)
  • Art Vandelay, - 26.09.2006, 16:02 CET
    Heisann gutter! Registrerer at hele bandet etterhvert nærmer seg base i Stavangerområdet, regner med at dette gjør det lettere å løse lisens i bedriftsserien til Stavanger Curlingklubb? Jeg er klar dersom dere trenger en fjerdemann, har nemlig studert Davanger i mange år og er en solid 2.mann. Oppfordrer også til å støtte den gode sak og kjøpe kalenderen på Norges Curlingforbunds offisielle hjemmeside.
    "The gods you worship are steel, at the altar of rock'n'roll you'll kneel!"

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