
Please note that this is a non-moderated guestbook, so please behave. The band take no responsibility for any comments or views stated here, but will reserve the right to withold publication, or remove, or modify such materials, at our sole discretion and for any reason.


Number of entries: 553

  • Preacherman_DF, - 30.01.2005, 22:47 CET
    Hi from Athens! How are you guys? We are looking forward for your new album and for a new concert in Greece. STAY GOTHIC!
  • Nephre - 29.01.2005, 19:59 CET
    Kolla in, det kanske kan smaka =)
  • tina, - 22.01.2005, 13:09 CET
    ellows,long time ago!!big kiss to ann
  • Mike - 19.01.2005, 00:16 CET
    Tjenare boys
    Micke i Funhouse här... vad sägs om en liten drick tävling i Oslo natten mellan den 25:e och den 26:e? Vår bassist fyller år och det skall firas eller hur :-)
    Goth n roll
  • mike, - 20.12.2004, 03:49 CET
  • mike, - 20.12.2004, 03:48 CET
    shout out to yall'....ran across your site running a search on mine....mike (drummer for the band elusive, of the U.S.)
  • G-Three - 09.12.2004, 07:04 CET
    Good stuff, but why on earth does the album mix of 'The Circle Never Ends' sound so "lame" compared to some other versions out there?
  • Halvard - 08.12.2004, 22:37 CET
    Hello. Just wanted to say, that I like your music... Liked your site too! Continue with this good work!
  • Sedano - 04.12.2004, 13:11 CET
    I like your music
  • Frank Wilhelm - 04.12.2004, 13:08 CET
    Good Site
  • Keep, - 04.12.2004, 00:11 CET
    I've been a fan since you started playing. I played Elusive at a party and the album got stolen. Where can I buy a new one? Your album is not in the cd store.
  • Eivind - 16.11.2004, 17:03 CET
    Destination Zero is probably the best album I have in my collection. Can't wait for the next one...
    Please tour more in Norway! This is the cradle of your fan crust.
  • Jon Eirik, - 12.11.2004, 21:23 CET
    Greetings from the abyss.
    Former keyboardist in elusive and morendoes greets u all. Now playing in a new band: unpure. Vote for us on
    check out or website:
    elusive rocks! and so does unpure! :)
  • Magnus - 11.11.2004, 19:53 CET
    RÃ¥ musikk!!
  • Tommy Opdahl, - 10.11.2004, 20:57 CET
    Dere har laget det beste rockealbumet i nyere tid. Fortsett med det.
    MVH. Tommy
  • alex, - 07.11.2004, 08:42 CET
    I agree with Mike! This was a very good show in Hamburg, guys, veldig bra! :) We were really ashamed of this lame audience. HÃ¥per du kommer til Hamburg snart igjen tross alt!
  • Mike - 06.11.2004, 20:58 CET
    Hi! I have seen you in Hamburg - next to clan of xymox the best bands of the evening! I enjoyed it - but the peoples liked the electronic rubbish ...
    keep going on you rock!
  • Tor Magne SteinsvÃ¥g, - 26.10.2004, 10:27 CET
    Eg e fan hilsen en fra Jørpetau.Våre mye i Bygdå.Stå på Jan kennet.Mills forever..hehe
  • bernard, - 24.10.2004, 17:12 CET
    Un groupe essentiel et une référence dans les années futures. Une sorte de Chameleons.
  • Frequenzbereich Musikinformationsportal by DNS Consulting Group - 13.10.2004, 21:05 CET
    Good Site

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