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Number of entries: 553
- Klaus, - 20.03.2006, 11:43 CET
Hi Elusive, never forget the great show and the nice conversation to Kristian at Glauchau "Alte Spinnerei" (Germany) last October. See you soon somewhere in Germany ?!! - so let me know.
- Jagd_panther, - 20.03.2006, 03:30 CET
Howdy from Hamburg!You MUST please play in Hamburg,cause Hamburg is the goal to the world!!!I hope to see you here.....have a nice time...
- Gunslinger - 16.03.2006, 18:19 CET
I've seen their prayers on angel wings so lost somewhere so cold... COME...COME TO MOSCOW!!:)
- miro, - 12.03.2006, 16:23 CET
- Matt Cutugno, - 22.02.2006, 20:25 CET
Really enjoy your music, was just listening to Shadow Dance on my lunchbreak. When are you coming to New York City? Soon, I hope. Take care, good luck!
- Wayne - 17.02.2006, 20:54 CET
Yehaa, Elusive is the best The Mission Rip off ever!! .-)))
- Nicky Gale, - 17.02.2006, 17:38 CET
Hi, this is a little late but i was told you didnt have a website - anyway I think you guys are awsum love your style and music. We need some gig news for 2006. Hope to see you again soon. Last saw you in Nottingham supporting The Mission - Awsum!! Bye for now.
- chistoffer, - 15.01.2006, 13:47 CET
are you gotic? what kind of music is this? g
- cal, - 07.01.2006, 11:55 CET
hi guys, wish you all the best in 2006 and hope to see ya live on stage again. bochum show in october last year was great :) live review and pics on NH ;) cheers!
- Elisabeth, - 07.01.2006, 10:42 CET
Saw you in Nottingham supporting my fave band The mission, but you blew them off big time!!! Just want to tell you about a great website called Myspace, where everything is happening right now, music, bands, people. Get yourself a profile there with your music!!!
- Marian, - 05.01.2006, 07:35 CET
Hi guys!I have really loved "the circle never ends" in a gothic club I go very often and got the albums last week! They're awesome!Iwish you a great success, and hope to see you soon in Greece!
- Simone, - 01.01.2006, 20:01 CET
Have a great start to 2006 you guys! Please come back for more!!! Simone (from Matrix)
- Dave Whyman, - 01.01.2006, 17:21 CET
Hope you had a great Christmas and wish you all the best for 2006!! When are you coming to the UK again? Any dates lined up for 2006 yet??
- Daniel - 29.12.2005, 02:30 CET
Great Band Best Wishes in 2006
- Zero, - 21.12.2005, 20:57 CET
amazing the cd-s two days ago, can't get out them from the player...this is the music I was looking for since I listen to my old favourites.
- Juul, - 17.12.2005, 20:12 CET
woooooo, please visit The Netherlandson some tour:|..please *bambi eyes*
- Hazel&Wayne, - 15.12.2005, 12:21 CET
Hey there guys!Greetings from Wales finally got round to contacting you.we have just got back from India which is a crazy place our boy kian was walking round the Taj Mahal in an Elusive T-shirt! .we are of to see the Pogues with Graham on saturday havent seen him since the tour,when are you guys going to come back and play then?or do we have to come over there ?heard about your troubles in europe you poor buggers.Well you have our address now so keep in touch because we miss you sad old goths especially susannah!!! oh and tell kristian we loved the silhouette cd take care of you XXXXX
- Juul, - 12.12.2005, 20:06 CET
hi people^^ I think Elusive really adds somehting to music in this genre! I can't find uch lyrics on the internet, I was looking for she's a river, but couldn't find it. (did it myself this time but don't know if it's right or not) one question: in the infromation is said that Morten Veland is in Elusive.. did he left or something? there are pics of the new guitarist, and not of him right? does anybody know why:P?
- lina, - 30.11.2005, 14:57 CET
hi.couls anyone mail the 'circle never ends' lyrics?
- lina, - 30.11.2005, 14:55 CET
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