
Please note that this is a non-moderated guestbook, so please behave. The band take no responsibility for any comments or views stated here, but will reserve the right to withold publication, or remove, or modify such materials, at our sole discretion and for any reason.


Number of entries: 553

  • Klapschus, - 24.09.2006, 00:58 CET
    The man on Stairs,no Words!!Matrixx
  • Trønder-Lars - 23.09.2006, 12:29 CET
    Knall-konsert på Tribute, og takk for personlig oppfølging ;)! Gleder meg til dere får kommet dere i studio og har neste album klart :)
  • Stefan Muthmann, - 15.09.2006, 19:52 CET
    I never listened so often to an album called There is no salvation-because from the first to last (and always)) second it is full of atmosphere. Thank you. Just today löng-time ago-i heard this record again and noticed that there is something you can comunicate with -Internet-
    So I let google search for the no more--Tears---
    Finally I was surprised and full of joy as I arrived on your homepage and listened to your music--the atmosphere goes on-thank you again-i ordered both albums-funny to listen to devil dance in a little bit different way, while i so often listened to the morendoes-version
    don`t stop
    hope to see you soon on stage
  • Morendo - 30.08.2006, 21:25 CET
    Greetings.Support the Gothic Rock...
    "Sackeloth and ashes..."
  • Vanessa, - 24.08.2006, 19:37 CET
    Hey !
    I have enjoyed each minute of your gig at the Gothic Festival in Waregem !!! Hope to see you soon !!! Because I have missed the moment you left to the hotel : Bye bye and 1 last hug !!!
  • Bernard, - 22.08.2006, 19:19 CET
    Hello 2 u,
    Great gig last Saturday...
    Major atmosphere and a perfect sound
    (what a few beers might have enhanced, but anywayz)
    C u soon on the next one...
  • LooLa, - 21.08.2006, 13:15 CET
    I absolutely loved your show on the Gothic
    Festival in Waregem!!
    Just bought your CD's aswell!!
    Big KISS and Three Big Huggies!!
  • Marco - 23.07.2006, 14:35 CET
    Hei! dere er fantastiske! det er flott å høre en band som deres!
    hilsen fra italia
  • odd karsten, - 12.07.2006, 23:27 CET
    Bur på jørpeland...dokke e d besta banet så har kommt seg udføre norges lands grenser....hørre eijn d på den råe musikken dokkars.Den e deilige å slappa av t.fårr du får eijn atmosfære rondt deg...hilsen fan fra jørpeland...
  • Håvar, - 07.07.2006, 12:27 CET
    Kjøpte skiva for et par uker siden. Grei den, men ikke så kul som The Morendoes... He he
    Jeg fikk med meg demoen Shadow Dance på "Ragnarock" '96, den syke syke konserten på Brusand :) og oppvarming for Theatre of Tragedy på Røde sjøhus.
    Nå dukker dere altså opp i ny drakt, ny musikk og påstår dere har holdt på siden 96/97?
    Da regner jeg med dere mener at det startet som "Shadow Dance" og "The Morendoes" først...?
    Og du som savner trommis; tror du skal glemme den drømmen, for Shadow Dance og The Morendoes hadde heller ikke trommis.
    Tror de er oppriktig glad i dippedutter og maskiner :))
  • lunacia - 25.06.2006, 17:31 CET
    I really hope you'll play in Oslo again in not too long!
  • Hoftun, - 07.06.2006, 22:53 CET
    Hola! Er det ikkje snart på tide med trommis i Elusive?
  • Erik - 05.06.2006, 13:02 CET
    G'day from Australia! Really dig your music...have to buy the CD now. Hope to see you down here sometime. Keep it up guys!
  • dimon, - 30.05.2006, 13:29 CET
    hello from russia! Guys your rule.
  • Björn, - 27.04.2006, 23:31 CET
    you're coming to Belgium again, woooooohooooo!!!
    I can't wait!!
  • velvet_razor, - 22.04.2006, 00:38 CET
    Hi there! "The Great Silence" looks to me more intimal than "Destination Zero". You really did an excelent work! Unfortenely you canceled the show last year with The Mission here in Portugal. It was a great night and i'm sure with you playing too the night would be perfect. Anyway, take care, and long live the Rock!
  • Rick, - 21.04.2006, 00:53 CET
    You guys rock! Thanks for the free T-shirt and two albums!You should come to the Pensacola FL. carshow.
  • Halfdan, - 16.04.2006, 04:17 CET
    Det er snart mai, og dere har ennå ikke spilt en eneste konsert i år. Få ut fingern!
    Neida, jeg skal ikke mase. Men det hadde vært fint å se dere live før sommeren er over...
  • Plissken - 03.04.2006, 07:00 CET
    Awesome Album!!! Nuff said.
    Greetings from Venezuela
  • LarryKurde, - 31.03.2006, 18:05 CET
    hello Elusive :) best regards from Poland ( did You knows where is it?? ;) ) Yours new album The Great Silent is very very good... for me ( i listen gothic rock from many years) that is fresh wind in dark ;)
    Best Regards and Good Luck

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